Statement by Doug Kendall, President and Founder, Constitutional Accountability Center on the End of the Supreme Court Term June 29, 2009

“The Supreme Court adjourned today, but it left momentous questions in its wake.  In the last two weeks, the Court’s rulings in NAMUDNO and Ricci have invited constitutional challenges to two of this country’s iconic civil rights laws: the Voting Rights Act in NAMUDNO and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act in Ricci. Even more directly today, the Court signaled a willingness to reconsider the constitutionality of a key part of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) and overrule two important prior rulings. 

These incremental changes bring the Roberts Court to the precipice of decisions that could rewrite fundamental principles of constitutional law and significantly undercut the ability of Congress to solve the nation’s most pressing problems. In two weeks, when Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings begin, the nation will be focused on the future of the Supreme Court.  The Senate must examine these critical constitutional questions and the direction of Court under Chief Justice Roberts as they formally review Judge Sotomayor’s experience and adherence to the history and text of the Constitution.” 


Contact: Deb Greenspan,, 202-741-5573

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