Letters: Stream the High Court
Re “Seeking Justice? Try the Courtroom, Not the Line Outside,” by Adam Liptak (Sidebar column, April 16):
There has been a great deal of debate lately over whether the Supreme Court should allow cameras to broadcast its hearings. It should. But as Mr. Liptak’s column indicates, there’s an intermediate step the court could take right now to increase its overall transparency: It could grant the American public access to a live audio stream of all its public proceedings.
The court is doing this for a small number of privileged lawyers, including me, who are members of the Supreme Court bar. There’s no technical (or logical) reason the court shouldn’t grant everyone else the same level of access.
There’s nothing the federal government does that’s more impressive than the high-quality debates that occur daily before the court. If only the American public could hear them in real time, in their entirety.
Washington, April 16, 2013
The writer is president and founder of the Constitutional Accountability Center, a progressive public interest law firm and think tank.