EVENT: May 12 – Citizens United, the 2010 Elections and the Future of the Supreme Court
The Indianapolis Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society presents:
Citizens United, the 2010 Elections and the Future of the Supreme Court
- Doug Kendall, Founder and President, Constitutional Accountability Center
- David Pippen, General Counsel, Office of Governor Mitch Daniels
- Michael J. Pitts, Moderator, Associate Professor of Law, Dean’s Fellow and John S. Grimes Fellow, Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
12:00 p.m.
Indiana State House, South Atrium
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN
RSVP here
This event is free and open to the public.
1.5 hours of CLE credit are pending for this event.
Please join Doug Kendall and David Pippen for a discussion of Citizens United and the key issue addressed in that opinion: namely, whether corporations have the same rights as individuals, particularly when it comes to influencing electoral politics, moderated by Michael Pitts. The Constitutional Accountability Center recently published an historical and legal account of that question, entitled A Capitalist Joker: The Strange Origins, Disturbing Past and Uncertain Future of Corporate Personhood in American Law, which is available for download here.
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