Access to Justice

Constitutional Accountability Center Expands, Adds Accomplished Lawyers Lazarus and Bobroff

Washington, DC – Constitutional Accountability Center – founded in 2008 as a think tank, law firm, and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of the Constitution’s text and history – is augmenting its growing professional team with two additional highly experienced and accomplished lawyers, Simon Lazarus and Rochelle Bobroff, currently with the Federal Rights Project of the National Senior Citizens Law Center.   

Through its three divisions, CAC engages in the key arenas where the war over the Constitution and the courts will be won or lost: the battle of ideas (scholarship), the battle in the courts (litigation), and the battle over the courts (the public square).  At the same time, Lazarus and Bobroff have played an essential and complementary role, spotlighting and countering the rulings of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts that have limited access to the courts and eviscerated landmark federal safeguards for health and retirement security, consumer protection, workplace fairness and equal opportunity. 


The writings and advocacy of Lazarus and Bobroff have been important in helping to focus the debate over the federal judiciary on how the pro-corporate, close-the-courthouse-doors rulings of the Roberts Court are affecting the pocketbooks of hardworking Americans.  Furthermore, their scholarship has effectively demonstrated the link between the constitutional vision of conservatives on the Roberts Court – which sharply departs from the Constitution’s text and history – and the Court’s activism in limiting federal statutes and eliminating access to courts, drawing together the mutually-reinforcing work of CAC and FRP.


Doug Kendall, founder and President of CAC, said “Constitutional Accountability Center and Si and Rochelle have long been engaged in the critical argument that progressives must change, sharpen and smarten up the way we fight over the Constitution and the courts, rather than hope that more of the same will produce better results.  I am delighted to welcome Si and Rochelle to CAC and look forward to relying on their expertise as we continue our work to counter the right’s increasingly aggressive attempts to distort our Constitution and compromise America’s federal judiciary.”


Lazarus and Bobroff will join the staff of CAC on July 1.  




Constitutional Accountability Center ( is a think tank, public interest law firm, and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of the Constitution’s text and history.




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