Today in the News, 3.10.09

  • “…Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is not, repeat not, winding down.” In this week’s Legal Times, Tony Mauro discusses the legacy and tenacity of the Court’s most senior member.
  • “Souter made a strong pitch for the necessity of learning history, in part as ‘an antidote to cynicism about the past.’”Tony Mauro, at BLT, also takes a look at Justice David Souter, following a rare public appearance in Washington D.C. last night, during which the justice called for students today to develop a “habit of mind.”
  • “[T]here’s no end in sight to the vacancy crisis on the federal bench, or to the looming crisis in confidence in the process.” Dahlia Lithwick, writing in the LA Times, calls for an end to highly-politicized battles over judicial nominations.