Civil and Human Rights

The 14th Amendment, The National Park Service, and America’s Second Founding

As part of our Second Founding Project, a joint initiative between CAC and the National Constitution Center, and in partnership with the National Park Service, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th Amendment at the U.S. National Archives.


Thursday, September 29, 2016
11:30 pm
U.S. National Archives

As part of our Second Founding Project, a joint initiative between CAC and the National Constitution Center, and in partnership with the National Park Service, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th Amendment at the U.S. National Archives. Rep. James Clyburn (SC) keynoted an evening of discussion featuring Michael Allen, Community Partnership Specialist for the National Park Service; Turkiya L. Lowe, Chief of the Cultural Resources Research and Science Branch of the National Park Service; and Professor Kate Masur of Northwestern University, moderated by CAC President Elizabeth Wydra. We explored how the 14th Amendment defines citizenship, its connection to Reconstruction, and how National Park Service sites tell this story.


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