RELEASE: Appeals Court: Trump Muslim Travel Ban 2.0 Just As Unconstitutional As 1.0
Washington, DC – On news this afternoon that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit handed down its ruling in International Refugee Assistance Project, et al. v. Trump, et al. – one of several lawsuits challenging President Trump’s revised Muslim travel ban – Constitutional Accountability Center issued the following reaction:
CAC Chief Counsel Brianne Gorod said, “Today’s ruling is an important reaffirmation that courts will review and check the unlawful acts of this Administration. The court saw through Trump’s smokescreen of neutrality in his revised Muslim travel ban and rightly concluded that it ‘drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination.’ It is time for Trump and his team to comply with the Constitution.”
“The Trump Administration is not above the law,” added CAC President Elizabeth Wydra, “and that includes the values of religious tolerance and equal protection of the laws enshrined in the text and history of our amended Constitution. Judge Wynn, in his powerful concurrence to the formidable opinion of the court, emphasized this point in no uncertain terms.”
CAC’s “friend of the court” brief on behalf of 165 Members of Congress in International Refugee Assistance Project, et al. v. Trump, et al.:
“Trump’s new Muslim travel ban has same old problems,” Elizabeth Wydra, Seattle Times, April 14, 2017:
“Trump travel ban suspension upheld,” O’Reilly Factor (featuring Elizabeth Wydra), FOX News Channel, February 9, 2017:
Constitutional Accountability Center ( is a think tank, public interest law firm, and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of the Constitution’s text and history.