Civil and Human Rights

Prominent Republicans And Democrats Tell SCOTUS: President Obama’s Immigration Actions Are Lawful

Washington, DC – Today, Constitutional Accountability Center filed a key “friend of the court” brief on behalf of prominent Republican and Democratic former Members of Congress, in support of the Obama Administration in defense of its immigration actions currently being challenged at the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of U.S. v. Texas.


CAC President Elizabeth Wydra said, “The Obama Administration’s immigration action was clearly lawful, and few people know that better than Republican and Democratic former Members of Congress who wrote much of America’s immigration laws. Those laws give the executive branch significant discretion to determine how they are best implemented in a manner that serves the national interest in public safety and national security. 


“The action at issue here,” Wydra continued, “is legally no different than countless other exercises of executive discretion engaged in by presidents of both parties and blessed by both parties in Congress. Our brief shows this shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Instead, this challenge is a blatantly political lawsuit that has needlessly disrupted the lives of millions of children and families in America – a situation the President’s action was designed to alleviate.”






CAC’s amicus curiae brief in U.S. v. Texas on behalf of former Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate: Michael Barnes, Howard Berman, Victor H. Fazio, Charles Gonzalez, Gary Hart, Tom Harkin, Elizabeth Holtzman, Raymond H. (“Ray”)  LaHood, James A. Leach, Carl Levin, Richard Lugar, George Miller, John E.  Porter, Silvestre Reyes, David Skaggs, Mark Udall, Henry A. Waxman, Tim Wirth 




Constitutional Accountability Center ( is a think tank, public interest law firm, and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of the Constitution’s text and history.

